- Stand before a mirror daily, look into your eyes and say ‘(your name)…I love you’.
- Pay someone you do not know a compliment
- Every day tell your family member, partner, husband or friend that you love them
- Spend at least 5 minutes in silence daily.
- Spend at least 15 minutes in silence daily.
- Do something nice for yourself everyday.
- Do something nice for someone daily.
- Have a TRUTH day, or week, or month.
- A reminder somewhere before going to sleep, that will make you laugh first thing on waking up
- Every week, contact someone you have not heard from in a long time.
- A day without JUDGEMENT of anyone or yourself. JUST LET IT BE!
- Treat yourself to a special meal or activity every week
- Choose a subject or Item and learn 1 thing about it every day for 3 months.
- Make a decision to improve nutritional health
- Listen to music every day
- Save 10% of your monthly income for yourself
- Take up running-once a week
- Take up running-twice a week
- take up running- three times weekly
- Take up running -four times a week
- Take up walking-once a week
- Take up walking-twice a week
- take up walking- three times weekly
- Take up walking -four times a week
- drink more water-daily- 1 glass
- Drink more water daily-4 glasses
- Drink more water daily- 8 glasses
- Learn to cook a special meal
- Learn to cook (if you don’t know how to or never tried)
- Create a GRATITUDE list- Every day write 3 things you are grateful for (anything-)
- Do some DIY
- Travel 1st Class
- Be an Organ Donor
- Give Blood
- Go Camping
- Try Skydiving
- Visit the Grand canyon
- Climb Mount Everest
- Visit the 7 Continents
- Karaoke Singing
- Wine Tasting
- Learn to bake/cook/make chocolates
- Create a garden
- Learn to knit/crochet
- Start a journal for our new-born
- Bike riding
- Horse riding
- Learn to drive a Truck
- See the Northern Lights
- Learn to swim/scuba dive
- Learn another language
- Swim with Dolphins
- Learn to Ski or Skate
- Get a Tattoo
- Learn a musical instrument
- Travel back packing across any of the continents
- Take up photography
- Travel using public transport for a day/week
- Visit an Art Museum
- Go to the Oktoberfest
- Attend a football/soccer match
- Enjoy the Ballet or the Opera
- A musical festival
- Do Charity work
- Visit the most famous Falls
- Enter a marathon
- Have a Party
- Take up Pole Dancing
- Smile with a baby
- Speak to your plants
- Sit in silence and observe your thoughts
- Sit in silence and observe your Pain and discomfort
- Spend a day without asking for anyone’s permission (BE SENSIBLE- no harm to anything/anyone)
- Ask for forgiveness everyday-for anything/anyone you may have caused hurt/harm
- Start exercising
- Daily- Gauge emotions and notice when you are not feeling calm and content-take action
- Think about what you’re going to say, before you say it
- Try listening today, asking questions; do not talk about yourself
- Pledge today, to love the life you live, and to live the life you love
- Have a Pig Roast (Anyone doing this, send me an invite)